
Upload Documents to Drive


Drive is where user upload unstructured data documents, ranging from PDFs, Office documents, and videos to websites and web content at large.

Learn how to upload and connect unstructured data in Drive so Athena could use it in downstream analyses.

Uploading Documents to Drive

  1. Go to Drive and click Upload

  2. Click File Picker and choose your file(s)

  3. Wait for Athena to process the file

  4. Confirm the document status turns from loading to green to start using it with Athena

Document Status Indicators

Documents take time to process after they are uploaded. While a document is syncing, it will show a loading animation, and it will turn into a green dot once the sync is complete.

Document Summaries in Drive

Once the document is synced (green dot), user can view a concise summary of the contents in the document.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Olympus supports PDF, XLSX, CSV, DOCX, PPTX file types for document uploads.

  • There's a 1GB mb limit on file size for uploads.

  • Yes, there are limits when uploading documents via URL. For each website, the first 100 links are parsed and connected.

  • After uploading a document, the status update time can vary. Bigger files and websites might take 5-10 minutes to sync.