
Download OpenAI Attendee List from Luna


Discover how to use Athena's Browse module to download an attendee list from a website. Learn the process of logging in, capturing the attendee list, and saving it to your drive.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Open the Browse module in Athena.

  2. Navigate to the event page.

  3. Log in to the website.

  4. Capture the attendee list.

  5. Save the attendee list to your drive.

  6. View the saved data.

Using Athena's Browse Module

To navigate to the event page using the Browse module in Athena, first select Browse from the left sidebar.

Upon activation, the main content area will display a web browser interface. You will see navigation options in the left sidebar, such as Home, Library, Chat, Reports, Query, Notebooks, Sheets, Spaces, and Dashboards.

Use the browser to navigate to the event page where the details for the 'OpenAI Tech Week Reception | NY #TechWeek' are shown. The page will contain various details about the event, such as the event name, date, time, and a description.

To access the attendee list, you must log in. The system will prompt you to register if you aren't already logged in. This step is crucial as the attendee list is only available to logged-in users. Look for the Request to Join button and follow any registration requirements.

The right side of the screen will show additional details and options, including a chat window where you can enter an event URL or search for terms. The Reset button is located at the bottom center of the screen, allowing you to clear your current session if needed.

Capturing the Attendee List

To capture the attendee list from the event page, you have two main options: taking a screenshot of the webpage or saving the HTML content.

To take a screenshot, navigate to the attendee list on the event page. Then, use the Browse module to take a screenshot. Once the screenshot is captured, save it to your drive for future reference.

Alternatively, you can save the HTML content of the attendee list. While viewing the attendee list, use the Browse module to save the HTML content directly to your drive.

Both methods allow you to store and access the attendee list for later use. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

Ensure High-Quality Screenshots

Make sure your screenshots are clear and capture all necessary information. Use the zoom function to focus on important details if needed.

Save HTML Content Correctly

When saving HTML content, double-check that all elements are captured. This ensures that the saved content can be used effectively for future tasks.

Saving and Viewing the Data

After capturing the attendee list, you can save the data to your drive for future use. Below are the steps to save and then view or analyze this data in Sheets or Notebooks.

To save the captured data to the drive, use the following options:

  • Save Screenshot: Save a screenshot of the attendee list page.

  • Save HTML: Save the HTML content of the attendee list.

Once saved, you can view the data or open it for further analysis in two main areas: Sheets and Notebooks.

To view and analyze in Sheets:

  • Go to the Sheets section from the left sidebar.

  • Open the relevant sheet where you saved the attendee list.

  • Review the data, format it as needed, or perform any necessary calculations.

To view and analyze in Notebooks:

  • Navigate to the Notebooks section from the left sidebar.

  • Create a new notebook or open an existing one.

  • Add the saved screenshot or HTML content to the notebook.

  • Use the notebook environment to run further analyses or add annotations and insights.

By using Sheets and Notebooks, you can ensure the captured data is well-organized and easily accessible for deeper exploration and reporting.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If the login fails, ensure your credentials are correct and try again. If the problem persists, contact support for assistance.

  • To export data, use the Export option available in tools like Reports, Sheets, or by saving HTML and screenshots to your drive.

  • Yes, you can edit saved HTML files using any text or HTML editor after you download them from the drive.

  • Files are stored in the Drive section of the Athena platform. You can access them anytime from there.