
Create Research Report


Generate a detailed research report on any topic using Athena Intelligence's advanced capabilities, allowing you to transform data insights into structured, narrative-driven documents for sharing with your team.

Generating a Research Report

  1. Navigate to the Library
    Via primary sidebar on the Athena homepage

  2. Select task
    Advanced Research Report to open the query input modal

  3. Input query

    In the text area labeled Query, enter your research query

  4. Set sections
    Adjust the Max Sections field to set the number of sections in your report

  5. Choose format

    Select the publication format by checking the boxes for Markdown or DOCX

  6. Export report

    Click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the modal to generate the report

Research Query Input

Write Effective Research Queries

Use specific keywords and clearly define your topic. Avoid overly broad topics to get precise and detailed results.

Format Selection

To select the desired format for your generated report in Athena Intelligence, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Advanced Research Report task and open the modal by clicking on the task card.

  2. In the modal, you'll see a description of the task along with a text area labeled Query where you can input your research topic. Below this, there is a field labeled Max Sections.

  3. Under Max Sections, you'll find checkboxes for selecting the publish format. The available options are Markdown and DOCX. Both options are checked by default.

  4. To uncheck an unwanted format, simply click on the checkbox next to it. For example, if you only want the report in Markdown format, uncheck the checkbox next to DOCX.

  5. Once you have selected your preferred format(s), click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the modal to finalize your selection and generate the report.

Submitting the Research Query

  1. Open the Library section

  2. Select Advanced Research Report

  3. Input your research query

  4. Set the number of max sections

  5. Choose the format

  6. Click Submit

Format Benefits

Athena Intelligence allows you to generate research reports in two formats: Markdown and DOCX. Each format has its unique benefits depending on your specific needs and the tools you use in your workflow.

By understanding the benefits of each format, you can choose the one that best meets your requirements. Whether you need portability and simplicity with Markdown or advanced editing features with DOCX, Athena Intelligence has got you covered.

Pick the Perfect Format

Choose Markdown for easy integration with tools like Obsidian and quick edits. Select DOCX for formal reports needing standard document formatting.

Viewing Generated Reports

To access and view your generated research reports in Athena Intelligence, follow these steps:

First, navigate to the left sidebar and select Drive. This section displays all your stored documents, including any generated reports.

Locate the research report you want to view. The reports are usually labeled based on the topic or title you provided during the report generation process.

After finding your report, click on it to highlight. Open the file management menu by right-clicking or using the available options.

From the file management menu, select the option to Download the document. The report will be downloaded to your local machine.

Once the report is downloaded, you can rename it for better organization. To do this, find the file in your local file explorer, right-click on it, choose Rename, and type the new name.

Organizing Downloaded Reports

After you have downloaded your research reports from Athena Intelligence, it's important to keep them organized. Here are some tips to help manage your reports efficiently.

  • Use clear and descriptive file names that include the report's subject and date. For example,

  • Create folders for different categories or topics. For instance, you might have folders for market research, company profiles, and quarterly reviews.

  • Store your reports in a dedicated folder within your file management system. This ensures they are easy to locate when needed.

  • Utilize subfolders for additional organization. For example, within a company profiles folder, you can have subfolders for each company.

Proper organization of your research reports can save you time and make it simpler to find relevant information when you need it.

Use Clear Naming Conventions

Name your files clearly by including the topic and date. This helps you find and organize them easily later.

Importing into Obsidian

To import the generated Markdown report into Obsidian, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have already downloaded the Markdown file from Athena Intelligence onto your computer.

  2. Open the Obsidian application on your computer. You will see the folder structure on the left and the main editing area on the right.

  3. Locate the downloaded Markdown file on your computer.

  4. Drag the Markdown file from your computer and drop it into the desired folder within the Obsidian folder structure on the left.

  5. Once the file is imported, click on it to view its content in the main editing area.

  6. You can now edit the report within Obsidian. Make any changes or add additional content as needed for further customization.

Using Obsidian Features

Using Obsidian to enhance your workflow with the reports generated by Athena Intelligence can significantly streamline your data management and organization. Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

  • Organize Sections: When you import the markdown file from Athena Intelligence into Obsidian, take some time to organize the sections. Use headings and subheadings to create a clear structure. This will make it easier to navigate through the report.

  • Use Links and Tags: Enhance navigation within your markdown files by using links and tags. Tags allow you to categorize information, making it easier to find related content. Links can be used to connect different sections or related documents, providing a seamless way to move between them.

  • Leverage Backlinks: Obsidian's backlink feature can help you see which notes are connected. This is useful for understanding the relationships between different pieces of data and for creating a network of interlinked information.

  • Utilize the Outline Feature: The outline feature in Obsidian shows an overview of all the headings in your open note. This helps in quickly jumping to a particular section of your report without scrolling through the entire document.

  • Regularly Review and Update: Periodically review your notes and update them with new information or remove outdated content. This keeps your data relevant and useful.

Use Tags for Better Organization

Tags help in categorizing and quickly locating key sections in your report. Consider using them for important topics, references, and sections.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Queries that are specific and detailed yield the most comprehensive reports. Provide clear topics or questions for focused results.

  • After generating a report, you can download it in the selected format. Use markdown editors like Obsidian or document editors like Microsoft Word for editing.

  • Yes, you can generate reports in DOCX format by selecting the DOCX checkbox in the format selection options before submitting your query.

  • You can find generated reports in the Reports section of the primary sidebar navigation. Options to sort by date and title are available.