Feature Overviews



Your Drive is where you store and access all your documents. You can upload new documents of all types and also import websites.

Once a document is uploaded to your drive it becomes accessible to Athena.

Video Overview:


Adding New Documents

You can add new documents in two ways. You can either use the Create to create a new Sheet or Report. Or you can use the Connect button to upload new documents. In the Connect menu you will have the option of Web Sync or Upload . Upload is for uploading a document and Web Sync is for adding a website.


The Chat button allows you to chat with documents in your drive. While you can chat with your entire Drive all at once, this is not recommend because it will be slower and less precise than if you filter your Drive first.

Quick Tip: Try adding filters until you only have a few documents in your drive. And then use the "Summarize" quick action in the chat side bar. Athena will generate a summary of all of the documents displayed.

Search and Filter

You can filter your Drive by keywords (via the search bar), created at dates, and file types. Filtering your drive makes it easier for you to find a specific document you are looking for. In addition to that you chat with your Drive with a filter applied you will only chat with those documents!

This makes your chat faster and more precise.

Cite Sources

When you are chatting with only PDFs, Documents, and Slides Athena is able to provide a direct citation to that document. For example if you are chatting with a long PDF Athena could say that she found an answer on page 10. Clicking that page number will open up the document viewer at the specific page number.

This makes it easy for to quickly verify the information Athena is using.

If you use the Cite Sources toggle the filters will be adjusted to only include file types that can be cited.

Citation Example:

In Drive , you will see a main area displaying a grid of assets, including both Sheets and Reports. Each asset is represented by an icon, title, and creation date.

To make finding your reports easier, you can use the available sorting options. These options allow you to sort your reports based on the date they were created or by their title. The sorting controls are located at the top center of the interface, next to the search bar.

Each asset is represented by an icon, title, and date. You can sort and filter these assets to find the specific sheet you're looking for.

  • Use the search bar at the top center to quickly locate a specific sheet.

  • Sort your sheets by "Created" or "Type" using the options next to the search bar.

Create Reports and Sheets

In the top right corner of the Drive section, you will see a button labeled Create. Click on this button to begin creating your new sheet.

Teams can create templates of Reports and Sheets to quickly execute repeatable workflows like market research of monthly reporting.

After selecting a template, you can customize your sheet to suit your specific requirements. You can add, remove, or modify columns and rows, input data, and apply formatting options to make the sheet more readable and useful.

Duplicate Reports and Sheets Templates

Teams can create templates of Reports and Sheets to quickly execute repeatable workflows like market research of monthly reporting. You'll find templates available in your team's workspace in Drive.

Click on the title of the report and click Duplicate to create a copy.