
Generate Reports and Datasheets from 10Ks


Discover how to generate reports and datasheets from 10-K forms using Athena Intelligence, including steps to upload documents, analyze data, and compile detailed reports and datasheets.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Upload the 10-K documents to Athena

  2. Select the uploaded documents for analysis

  3. Use the analyze data option to review the content of the documents

  4. Create a new report from the analyzed data

  5. Add the necessary data to the report

  6. Generate a datasheet from the report

Document Processing

Uploading Documents

To upload documents for analysis in Athena, start by accessing the Upload interface. This can be found in various sections of the tool, such as Dashboard, Drive, Library, Chat, Reports, Notebooks, Sheets, and Spaces.

Once you are in the Upload interface, you will see an area where you can drop or select files. You can either drag and drop your documents into this area or click to open a file selection dialog. Athena supports various common file types, including PDFs, Word documents, and spreadsheets.

After selecting your files, they will appear in a list with the option to remove any you don't want to upload. Click the Upload button to start the process. Once the upload is complete, your documents will be available in the system for further analysis.

Selecting Documents

To select documents for analysis in Athena, start by navigating to the Library from the sidebar. Here, you will find a list of available documents. Each document is represented by a card that includes the file name, size, and upload date.

To select multiple documents, use the checkboxes provided next to each document card. Simply click on the checkboxes for the documents you want to select. Once you have selected the desired documents, you will see options at the bottom of the screen for further actions.

Click on Add to Workbench to add the selected documents to your Workbench. The Workbench is a tool within Athena that allows you to organize and manage the documents you are working with.

After adding documents to the Workbench, you can proceed with analysis and other tasks. The documents in your Workbench will be easily accessible for various types of analysis and reporting.

  • Navigate to the Library from the sidebar.

  • Use checkboxes to select multiple documents.

  • Click on Add to Workbench to organize selected documents.

Data Analysis

Analyzing Documents

To analyze documents using Athena, you can utilize the chat feature to retrieve specific data and extract relevant information. Here's how you can do it.

Start by opening the chat feature in Athena. You can initiate a conversation with Athena to ask for specific information from your documents. For instance, you might want to retrieve all mentions of policies relevant to the electric vehicle (EV) market.

In the chat, you could type a request like, 'Retrieve all mentioned policies relevant to the electric vehicle market.' Athena will then search through the loaded documents and locate the necessary data. This feature is particularly useful for analyzing unstructured data and extracting key insights.

Once Athena has retrieved the data, you can further analyze it by using various tools provided in the chat interface. These tools include Visualize, Compile Datasheet, Compile Report, Summarize, and Explore. Each of these actions allows you to interact with and analyze the data in different ways.

  • Visualize: See data in graphical format.

  • Compile Datasheet: Create a structured datasheet from extracted information.

  • Compile Report: Generate a detailed report based on the gathered data.

  • Summarize: Get a concise summary of the information.

  • Explore: Dive deeper into the data to uncover more details.

By using the Find Mentions feature, you can locate specific phrases or topics within your documents. This tool helps you pinpoint sections of interest quickly. You can follow up with additional questions to further refine your search and extract more precise data.

In summary, using Athena's chat feature and associated tools, you can efficiently analyze documents, retrieve specific data, and compile comprehensive reports and datasheets.

Use Chat for Analysis

Leverage the chat feature in Athena to analyze your documents. You can retrieve specific data, extract relevant information, and even compile reports directly from the chat interface.

Compiling Reports

To compile reports from analyzed data in Athena, you need to follow a simple yet structured process. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you create a new report and add data to it.

First, gather the documents you wish to analyze. Upload these documents to Athena by navigating to the Upload section and selecting or dragging your files. Once uploaded, your documents will be available for processing.

Next, move the necessary documents to Workbench. Workbench allows you to add and manage multiple documents, which can then be reviewed and processed collectively. Select your documents and add them to Workbench using the available buttons.

After setting up your documents in Workbench, switch to the Chat feature. Here, you can interact with Athena to retrieve specific data or summaries from your documents. For instance, you can ask Athena to find all mentions of certain items or policies in the electric vehicle market.

Once you have gathered all the required data through the chat, create a new report by providing a title for it. For example, you can name it 'EV Market'.

Transition from the chat to the document by using the command to compile a report. You can direct Athena to include various data points like player performance, assets, and market trends in the report. This process involves adding items such as factories, challenges, and policies to your report.

While Athena compiles the data sheet and the report, you can monitor the progress. Once the compilation is complete, add the data sheet to the report. This makes all the relevant information available in a consolidated document.

At this point, your report is ready. You can review it to ensure it contains all necessary sections and details. You can also perform additional actions like visualizing data, summarizing, or answering further questions directly from the compiled report.

This process allows you to efficiently compile a detailed and comprehensive report from analyzed data using Athena's powerful tools and features.

Finalizing Reports

Generating Datasheets

To generate datasheets from compiled reports in Athena, start by setting a clear objective. For instance, you might aim to get a comprehensive picture of a particular market over the last few years.

Once you have set the objective, you can proceed to compile the datasheet. Open your compiled report and use the Compile Datasheet feature. This tool allows you to extract relevant data points from the report and organize them into a structured datasheet.

Athena seamlessly integrates the datasheet with the compiled report. This means that the data extracted during the compilation process will be appended to the report, creating a unified document that you can use for further analysis or presentation.

  • Ensure your objective is clear before starting the compilation.

  • Use the Compile Datasheet feature to organize data points.

  • The datasheet is integrated with the compiled report for easy access.

By following these steps, you can efficiently generate datasheets from your compiled reports in Athena.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Athena supports various file types, including PDFs, Word documents, and Excel sheets.

  • The maximum upload size for a single file in Athena is 100 MB.

  • Yes, you can edit compiled reports directly within the Athena platform using the Edit feature.

  • You can export datasheets from Athena by using the Export button available in the datasheet view.