Feature Overviews



Explore the diverse range of tasks available in Athena, from data analysis and visualization to research reports and document scanning. These tasks help you efficiently manage data, perform research, and generate insightful reports.

Task Categories


Reports in Athena allow you to generate and share various types of documents. These reports help you communicate insights and findings with your team or stakeholders.

One important type of report is the Advanced Research Report. This report compiles detailed analyses of specific topics, such as industry competitors, market shares, and revenue estimates. The Advanced Research Report is suitable for in-depth research and can be shared to provide comprehensive insights.

Another type is the Internal Research Report. This report focuses on internal data, providing a structured summary of internal metrics and performance. It's useful for internal reviews and strategic planning.

With the Research Topic and Email Report task, you can create concise summaries of research topics and send them via email. This is handy for quick updates and sharing findings with remote stakeholders.

The Scan a Document task allows you to digitize physical documents. This feature is useful for including scanned materials in your analytical reports.

The Research Metrics Online task gathers specific metrics from various online sources, structuring them into an easily digestible format. This type of report is useful for obtaining up-to-date figures on different market indicators.

  • Generate and share an industry research summary via email

  • Compile business overviews and competitor analyses

  • Extract and annotate financials for reporting

  • Compile reports on financial figures

  • Extract and annotate risks and opportunities

  • Generate in-depth research reports on various topics

These tasks enable you to produce detailed and actionable reports, allowing you to communicate data-driven insights in a clear and structured manner.


Collaborative Tasks in Spaces

In Spaces, you can collaborate visually on an endless canvas. This feature allows multiple users to interact and work together in real time, making it a powerful tool for group projects and brainstorming sessions.

  • Visual Collaboration: Work together on a shared canvas, adding text, images, and diagrams as needed.

  • Real-Time Editing: See updates from your team members live, enabling seamless collaboration.

  • Resource Sharing: Easily share datasets, code snippets, and other resources within the space.

  • Annotation Tools: Use various annotation tools to highlight key points, draw connections, and make notes directly on the canvas.

These features help you and your team stay organized, visualize complex ideas, and communicate more effectively.


Notebooks in Athena help you manage end-to-end data science workflows. These notebook tasks allow seamless organization and execution of complex data projects within a unified interface.

  • Create, manage, and document your data science pipelines

  • Integrate various data sources and perform cleansing and transformation

  • Use pre-built templates to start projects quickly

  • Collaborate with team members in real-time

  • Visualize data with integrated plotting tools and libraries

With Notebooks, you can also execute code snippets to analyze data, test models, and visualize results all within the same environment. This tool is essential for ensuring a streamlined and productive data science process.

General Tasks

Athena offers a variety of general tasks designed to help you with web research, data documentation, and code troubleshooting. Each task card on the homepage includes a title, brief description, and a 'Run' button to initiate the task directly.

  • Web Research: Conduct online research using Athena’s natural language interface to gather information from various web sources.

  • Search Wikipedia: Quickly find and summarize information from Wikipedia.

  • Document a Dataset: Create detailed documentation for a dataset, including metadata and descriptions.

  • Generate a Field Report: Produce comprehensive reports on specific data fields within a dataset.

  • Generate Diagrams for Connections in Data: Visualize relationships within your data by generating diagrams that illustrate data connections.

  • Explore & Analyze Data: Dive deep into your data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights using Athena’s advanced analysis tools.

  • Visualize Data: Create various visual representations of data to better understand and communicate your findings.

  • Document Multiple Datasets: Compile and document information from multiple datasets in a structured format.

  • Find Related Tables and Fields: Identify tables and fields related to your queries to expand your analysis.

  • Improve and Troubleshoot Code Snippets: Enhance and debug code snippets specific to your data analysis tasks.

  • Generate Health Checks: Automate the creation and execution of health checks to ensure data accuracy and completeness.

  • Generate and Execute Health Checks: Streamline the process of generating and running health checks to maintain data integrity.

Use Simple Charts

Stick to basic chart types like bar, line, and pie charts. They are easy to understand and visually clear.

Choose Clear Labels

Ensure all axes, legends, and data points are clearly labeled. This helps users quickly grasp the information.

Avoid Clutter

Keep your visualizations clean and uncluttered. Too much information can overwhelm the viewer.

Use Consistent Colors

Stick to a consistent color scheme to maintain visual coherence and make different data sets distinguishable.

Highlight Key Data

Use color or size to highlight important data points. This draws attention to the critical information.

Experimental Tasks

Athena Intelligence includes a range of experimental tasks designed for users to explore and test new features. These tasks are in the beta stage, meaning they are still being refined and improved. Users are encouraged to try these tasks and provide feedback to help enhance their functionality.

The experimental tasks available in Athena cover various data-related activities. Some of these tasks include generating synthetic data, creating diagrams for data connections, and generating data quickly. These tasks allow users to leverage Athena's capabilities in innovative ways.

Additionally, the experimental tasks section features advanced tools like the Company Intelligence Aggregator, which gathers comprehensive information about companies, and the Find Similar Companies task, which identifies businesses similar to a given company. Other tasks such as finding relevant tables and fields and suggesting joins are also in this section.

Each experimental task is marked with a 'Beta' label, indicating its early stage of development. Users can access and run these tasks directly from the homepage by clicking the Run button. Feedback from users is vital in refining these tasks and ensuring they meet user needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To run a task, navigate to the Tasks section on the Athena homepage and find the task you want to execute. Click the Run button on the task card to start it.

  • Experimental tasks are beta features that Athena is still learning to perform. They are marked with a Beta label. You can find and run these tasks in the Experimental Tasks section.

  • To document data, go to the Tasks section and look for tasks such as 'Document a Dataset' or 'Generate a Dataset Field Report'. Click the Run button to start the task and follow the prompts.

  • Yes, you can visualize data using tasks like 'Visualize Data' and 'Generate Diagrams for Connections in Data' found in the Tasks section. Click the Run button to begin.